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Public Charter Schools Help Prepare
Students for a Limitless Future


Charter schools are free, public schools that are open to ALL students. They allow families to choose an educational option that best fits the needs of their child. There is never a cost to attend, and they are open to all students regardless of their school zoning. Charter schools offer the flexibility for teachers to provide innovative, high-quality instruction and to design classrooms personalized for students. These unique public schools are guided by leaders who have the flexibility to try new ideas and create a school culture that mirrors and supports the surrounding community. Public charter schools are independent, community-based, mission-driven, and accountable, following the same federal and state laws for finances and operations as traditional public schools.
Recent surveys indicate that New Mexicans are looking to their leaders for better solutions for our educational challenges in New Mexico, and believe that public charter schools meet that need.

New Mexico Communities & Families Support Public Charter Schools

Percentage of New Mexicans who believe we need more free public school choices in our communities.
Percentage of New Mexicans who believe Public Charter Schools are improving public education in our state.
Percentage of New Mexicans who agree that New Mexico should open and develop more public charter schools in their communities.
Percentage of residents who say public education in New Mexico is off-track, which tells us that families are demanding innovative solutions to improve educational outcomes for New Mexicans.
in 10
New Mexicans who oppose policies that would stop the opening of new charter schools in New Mexico

The results are clear.

New Mexicans agree that our state needs strong charter schools, and that families deserve the opportunity to decide what is right for their child.

New Mexico Public Charter
Schools are Delivering Results

Public charter schools continue to succeed year after year, while also outperforming traditional district schools in terms of math, reading, and science proficiencies.
Reading results
Math results, low income

Success Story

Turquoise Trail Charter School Building Strong Community

Success Story

Six Directions Indigenous School Honoring Tradition & Delivering Student Success

How Leaders Can Support Public Charter Schools

Leaders can play a pivotal role in supporting the growth of public charter schools in New Mexico:

Support policies that expand educational options and ensure parents have the freedom to choose the best educational fit for their children.
Ensure that public charter schools in New Mexico have the necessary resources to thrive.
Encourage high standards for charter schools, while protecting local autonomy.
Oppose policies that would halt the opening of new charter schools.

To engage with Public Charter Schools of New Mexico, contact us


Email -
Telephone - 505.842.8203
PO Box 25284
Albuquerque, NM 87125
© 2024 Public Charter Schools of New Mexico

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