FREE, PUBLIC, & OPEN TO ALL. Charter schools are free, public schools that are open to ALL students. They allow families to choose an educational option that best fits the needs of their child. There is never a cost to attend, and they are open to all students regardless of their school zoning. Charter schools offer the flexibility for teachers to provide innovative, high-quality instruction and to design classrooms personalized for students. These unique public schools are guided by leaders who have the flexibility to try new ideas and create a school culture that mirrors and supports the surrounding community. Public charter schools are independent, community-based, mission-driven, and accountable, following the same federal and state laws for finances and operations as traditional public schools.
Today, over 30,000 students attend a charter school in New Mexico, joining the approximately 3.7 million students who attend a public charter school in 41 states nationwide. New Mexico’s public charter schools are leading the way forward for innovation in public education, supporting unique school models such as individualized learning and STEM education. Charter schools provide college credit opportunities in high school, culturally relevant programs, and arts education. Most importantly, they act as the vehicle to reform the traditional “one size fits all” model of education.